Megan’s Law and the Definition of “Minor” - 09/21/2023 Current Projects, Active ProjectsLaura TharneyApril 10, 2023Minor, Megan's Law
Uniform Commercial Code – 2022 Amendments - 03/16/2023 Final Reports, RecommendationsLaura TharneyMarch 6, 2023ucc, 2022 amendments
Merger of Criminal Convictions for Leaving-the-Scene and Endangering an Injured Victim Current ProjectsLaura TharneyMarch 6, 2023Leaving the scene
Comprehensive Drug Reform Act - Joint Motions to Vacate Parole Ineligibility - 09/21/2023 Current Projects, Tentative ReportsLaura TharneyMarch 6, 2023
New Jersey Statute of Frauds - Mandatory Attorney Review Provision in N.J.S. 25:1-5(h) - 07/20/2023 Current Projects, Tentative ReportsLaura TharneyFebruary 6, 2023
Applicability of the Driving While Intoxicated Statute, N.J.S. 39:4-50, to bicyclists Current ProjectsLaura TharneyNovember 7, 2022bicyclists, DWI
Rescue Doctrine and Property - 12/15/2022 Final Reports, RecommendationsLaura TharneySeptember 6, 2022Rescue
Title 9-Parentage - 04/2010 Final Reports, RecommendationsLaura TharneyAugust 3, 2022Title 9, parentage
Interpretation of the Vote By Mail Law in N.J.S. 19:63-26 Tentative Reports, Current ProjectsLaura TharneyJuly 10, 2022Mail, Ballots
Interpretation of the Household/Incest Exception to Inclusion in Sex Offender Central Registry Current ProjectsLaura TharneyJuly 10, 2022Exception to Publication in Central Sex Offender Registry
“Misrepresentation of a Material Fact” in the New Jersey Gross Income Tax Act - 03/16/2023 Final Reports, RecommendationsLaura TharneyJuly 10, 2022Tax, Income Tax, definition of Misrepresentation
Termination of Permanent Alimony Based on Remarriage or Cohabitation Concluded ProjectsLaura TharneyApril 11, 2022Alimony