New Jersey Law Revision Commission

Enacted Reports

Enacted Reports

 The Commission projects listed on this page have been enacted by the Legislature, but the reports accessible below may differ from the actual statute since changes may have been made to the text during the Legislative process. A list of Commission projects resulting in Final Reports that have not yet been enacted may be found on the Final Reports and Recommendations page.

Please consult the New Jersey statutes in order to determine the current law of the State.

  • Adult Guardianship and Protective Proceedings Jurisdiction Act
    Proposed enactment of a Uniform Law, revised for use in New Jersey, to provide a uniform mechanism for addressing multi-jurisdictional adult guardianship issues that have become time-consuming and costly for courts and families.
    Enacted as L. 2012, c. 36 PDF

  • Anatomical Gift 
    N.J.S. 26:6-58.1; 26:6-60.2 - amendments to Uniform Anatomical Gift Act (which also repealed 26:6-60.1 and 26:6-58.7)
    Enacted as L. 2001, c. 87  PDF

  • Cemeteries 
    N.J.S. 45:27-1 et seq. - New Jersey Cemetery Act 2003
    Enacted as L. 2003, c. 261  PDF

  • (Uniform) Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act
    N.J.S. 2A:34-53 et seq. (which also repealed N.J.S 2A:34-28 through 2A:34-52)
    Enacted as L. 2004, c. 147  PDF

  • Civil Penalty Enforcement Act
    N.J.S. 2A:58- 10 through 2A:58-12 - Penalty Enforcement Law of 1999
    Enacted as L. 1999, c. 274  PDF

  • Collaborative Law.
    Enacted as L. 2014, c. N.J.S.2A:23D-1 et seq.  PDF

  • Construction Lien Law
    Recommended the revision of the Construction Lien Law to address concerns regarding the statute’s residential construction provisions, define terms undefined by the statute, clarify imprecise language, and revise statutory provisions that conflict with industry practice and are no longer workable or desirable.
    Enacted as L. 2010, c. 119 / N.J.S. 2A:44A 1-38 et seq.  PDF

  • Court Names
    Enacted as L. 1991, c. 119  PDF

  • Criminal Law Titles 2A & 24: Completion of Compilation
    Enacted as L. 1999, c. 90  PDF

  •  Declaration of Death Act (NJDDA)
    Recommended modifications to 26:6A-4
    Enacted as L. 2013, c. 185 PDF

  • (Uniform) Electronic Transactions Act
    Enacted as L. 2001, c. 116 / N.J.S.12A:12-1 through 12A:12-26  PDF

  • Evidence
    Enacted as L. 1999, c. 319  PDF

  • Equitable Distribution After Death of Party to Action

    Recommends changes to the equitable distribution statute (N.J.S. 2A:34-23), the elective spousal share statute (N.J.S. 3B:8-1), and the statute pertaining to intestacy (N.J.S. 3B:5-3), to close the statutory gap between New Jersey divorce/dissolution laws and probate laws.

    Enacted as L.2023, c. 238 PDF

  • (Uniform) Foreign-Money Claims Act
    Enacted as L.1993, c.317  PDF

  • General Repealer - (Anachronistic Statutes) - 2012
    Enacted as L.2014, c.69 PDF

  • (Uniform) Interstate Depositions and Discovery Act
    Recommends adoption of the UIDDA in New Jersey, with modifications to accommodate New Jersey practice but, although the Commission ordinarily makes recommendations to the Legislature, in this case, the better course would be court rule revision to incorporate UIDDA in order to provide a simple and convenient process for issuing and enforcing deposition subpoenas.
    Enacted as Changes to Court Rules - R. 4:11-4 and 4:11-5  PDF

  • (Uniform) Interstate Family Support Act
    Recommends enactment of the Commission's released Final Report pertaining to the Uniform Law Commission’s 2008 amendments to the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (UIFSA). These amendments modify the current version of UIFSA’s international provisions to comport with the obligations of the United States under the 2007 Hague Convention on Maintenance.
    Enacted as L. 2016, c.1  PDF

  • Intestate Succession
    Enacted as L. 2001, c. 109 / N.J.S. 3B:5-5.1 - amendment to Probate Code  PDF

  • Juries
    Enacted as L. 1995, c. 44 / N.J.S. 2B:20-1 through 2B:23-18; 2B:4-4 PDF

  • (Revised Uniform) Limited Liability Company Act
    Proposed enactment of a revised Uniform Law that permits the formation of limited liability companies, which provide the owners with the advantages of both corporate-type limited liability and partnership tax treatment. (ULLCA)
    Enacted as L. 2012, c. 50  PDF

  • Lost or Abandoned Property
    Enacted as L. 1999, c. 331 / N.J.S.46:30C-1 through 46:30C-5 PDF

  • Married Women's Property
    Enacted as L. 2011, c. 115  PDF

  • Material Witness
    Enacted as L. 1994, c. 126 / N.J.S.2C:104-1 et seq.  PDF

  • (Uniform) Mediation Act
    Enacted as L. 2004, c. 157 / N.J.S.2A:23c-1 through 2A: 23c-13-Uniform Mediation Act   PDF

  • (Uniform) Military and Overseas Voters Act
    Recommends revision of Overseas Residents Absentee Voting Law to incorporate key UMOVA concepts not yet addressed in New Jersey law, including: expansion of definition of "overseas voter" to include voters eligible to vote in New Jersey but not born here; and, consistent with Vote by Mail Law, 19:63-1 et seq., permitting use of Federal Postcard Application Form to register to vote in any election (not just a federal election).
    Enacted as L. 2017, c. 39  PDF

  • Mortgage Recording
    Enacted as L. 2015, c. 225 PDF

  • Municipal Courts
    Enacted as L. 1993, c. 293 / N.J.S. 2B:12-1 et seq. PDF

  • Organization of the courts

    Enacted as L. 1991, c. 119 / N.J.S. 2B:1-1 through 2B:9-1  PDF

  • Parentage Act
    Enacted as L. 1991, c. 22 / N.J.S. 9:17-38 et seq.; 3B:5-10 - New Jersey Parentage Act PDF

  • Pejorative Terms Regarding Persons Who Are Mentally Incapacitated
    Enacted as L. 2013, c. 103 PDF

  • Personal Conveyance

    Enacted as L.2024, c.11 PDF

  • Probate Code 1999 Revisions 

    Enacted as L. 2001, c. 109 PDF

  • (Uniform) Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act
    Enacted as L. 2009, c. 64  PDF

  • Recordation of Title Documents
    Enacted as L. 1991, c. 308 / N.J.S.46:26A, 26B, 26C  PDF

  • Repealers
    Enacted as L. 1991, c. 59, 93, 121, 148  PDF

  • Replevin
    Enacted as L. 1995, c. 263 / N.J.S. 2B:50-1 et seq.  PDF

  • School Background Checks
    Enacted as L. 2007, c. 82 / N.J.S.18A:6-7.1 and 18A:6-7.2 PDF

  • (Civil Actions) Service of Process
    Enacted as L. 1999, c. 319 / N.J.S. 2A:15-30.1  PDF

  • Statute of Frauds
    Enacted as L. 1995, c. 36 / N.J.S. 25:1-10 through 25:16  PDF

  • Surrogates
    Enacted as L. 1999, c. 70 / N.J.S. 2B:14-1 through 2B:14-13  PDF

  • Tax Court
    Enacted as L. 1993, c. 403 / N.J.S. 2B:13-1 through 2B:13-15; 22A:5-1  PDF

  • Title 2C - Sexual Offenses

    Enacted as L.2019, c.474 PDF

  • Title 45 Professions
    Enacted as L. 1999, c. 403  PDF

  • Title Recordation
    Recommended the revision of the statutes pertaining to the recording of title documents following the enactment of the federal Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (E-sign), 15 U.S.C. §7001 et seq., and New Jersey’s enactment of the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA), L.2001, c.116; it required the acceptance of electronic alternatives to paper documents.
    Enacted as L. 2011, c. 217  PDF

  • (New Jersey) Trade Secrets Act - proposed the enactment of a Uniform Law, revised for use in New JErsey, that codifies the basic principles of common law trade secret protection, preserving the essential distinctions from patent law and the remedies for trade secret misappropriation as developed in case law.
    Enacted as L. 2011, c. 161 / N.J.S.56:15-1 et seq.  PDF

  • (Uniform) Trust Code - recommends enactment of New Jersey Uniform Trust Code, based on the Uniform Trust Code and the work of an ad hoc Committee of New Jersey experts who analyzed it and adapted it for New Jersey’s needs (terms: uniform trust code, trusts, powers of trustees, breach of trust, spendthrift trust, discretion of trustee).
    Enacted asL. 2015, c. 276  PDF

  • UCC Article 1 (General Provisions)
    Proposed updates to definitions and general provisions which, in the absence of conflicting provisions, apply as default rules covering transactions and matters otherwise covered under a different article of the UCC.
    Enacted as L. 2013, c. 65  PDF

  • UCC Article 2A (Leases)
    Enacted as L. 1994, c.114  PDF

  • UCC Article 3 (Negotiable Instruments) & 4 (Bank Deposits)
    Enacted as L. 1995, c.28  PDF

  • UCC Article 4A (Funds Transfers)
    Superseding previously enacted Report - proposed the updating of the Article in response to changes in federal law. Without the modification, after February of 2013, a fund transfer initiated by a remittance transfer would have been entirely outside the coverage of Article 4A, even if the remittance transfer is not an electronic fund transfer, and would not have been covered by either law.
    Enacted as L. 2013, c. 65  PDF

  • UCC Article 5 (Letters of Credit)
    Enacted as L. 1994, c.114  PDF

  • UCC Article 6 (Bulk Transfers)
    Enacted as L. 1994, c.114 (which repealed 12A:6-101 through 12A:6-111)  PDF

  • UCC Article 7 (Documents of Title)
    Proposed modifications to accomplish two primary objectives: (1) allowance of electronic documents of title, and (2) introduction of provisions to reflect trends at the state, federal and international levels.
    Enacted as L. 2013, c. 65  PDF

  • UCC Article 8 (Investment Securities)
    Enacted as L. 1997, c. 252  PDF

  • UCC Article 9 (Secured Transactions)
    Superseding previously enacted Report - proposed changes to this Article, which governs security agreements where the property is not real estate. These arrangements are the basis of an important part of commercial finance and many involve interstate transactions, so it is important that the state laws governing them are as nearly uniform as possible. The most significant change proposed concerns specification of the name of debtors who are natural persons.
    Enacted as L. 2013, c. 65  PDF

  • (Revised) Uniform Notaries Public Act

    Enacted as L.2021, c.179 PDF

  • Uniform Voidable Transactions Act

    Enacted as L.2021, c.92  PDF