New Jersey Law Revision Commission

Articles & Presentations

Articles & Presentations


The following is a list of Journal articles in which the New Jersey Law Revision Commission is mentioned:

  • Samuel M. Silver, In Vino Veritas: An Examination of New Jersey’s Intoxication Defense, 48 SETON HALL LEGIS. J. Vol. 48: Iss. 3 Article 5 (2024) Article

  • Laura C. Tharney, Samuel M. Silver & Whitney G. Schlimbach, Addressing Ambiguities in One of Life’s Two Certainties: The New Jersey Law Revision Commission’s Examination of Selected Tax Statutes, 47 SETON HALL LEGIS. J. Vol. 47: Iss. 1 Article 1 (2023) Article

  • Laura C. Tharney, Samuel M. Silver, Whitney G. Schlimbach & Karyn L. White, Tenure, Unemployment, and Workers’ Compensation: Illuminating Rights and Responsibilities in New Jersey’s Employment Law, 46 SETON HALL LEGIS. J. Vol. 46: Iss. 2, Article 1 (2022) Article

  • Laura C. Tharney, Samuel M. Silver, Arshiya M. Fyazi, Jennifer D. Weitz, Christopher Mrakovcic & Rachel M. Segal, On the Path Toward Precision: Responding to the Need for Clear Statutes in the Criminal Law , 45 SETON HALL LEGIS. J. 2 (2021) Article

  • Laura C. Tharney, Samuel M. Silver, Arshiya M. Fyazi, Jennifer D. Weitz and Mark D. Ygarza, Canons or Coin Tosses: Time-Tested Methods of Interpreting Statutory Language, 44 SETON HALL LEGIS. J. 2 (2020) Article

  • CCH Incorporated, Law of Electronic Commerce, Non-uniform State Law Approaches §5.07 (2019; 2020)

  • CCH Incorporated, Law of Electronic Commerce, Formal Requirements Including Statute of Frauds §5.03 (2019; 2020)

  • Charles F. Kenny, Esq. and Scott G. Kearns, Esq., Fifty State Construction Lien and Bond Law § 31.02 New Jersey Construction Lien Law, 1 JW-CLBL § 31.02 (2020)

  • Peter J. Mazzei, Laura C. Tharney, Samuel M. Silver, Jennifer D. Weitz, Joseph A. Pistritto & Rachael M. Segal, Legislative Archaeology: It’s not what you find, it’s what you find out, 43 SETON HALL LEGIS. J. 2 (2019) Article

  • Adam J. Sklar & Gary M. Albrecht, 319 NEW JERSEY LAWYER, Construction Liens Arising From Tenant Work - Commercial Landlord Concerns and Strategies, Pg.58 (2019)

  • Alfred C. Clapp & Dorothy D. Black, 7A NEW JERSEY PRACTICE SERIES, Wills and Administration — Payment of Devises and Distribution §§1737, 4002 (2018)

  • James H. Walzer, James W. Kerwin, 16A New Jersey Practice Series, Legal Forms § 56.14 (2019; 2020)

  • Michael D. Sirota, Michael S. Meisel & Warren A. Usatine, 44 NEW JERSEY PRACTICE SERIES, Debtor-Creditor Law and Practice — Asset Sales by Distressed Companies §6.2 (2018)

  • Myron C. Weinstein, 29 NEW JERSEY PRACTICE SERIES, Law of Mortgages §§ 7.2, 7.3, 7.5, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 10.0.30, 10.5, 10.6, 10.11, 10.15, 10.20 (2018)

  • James W. Kerwin, 16A NEW JERSEY PRACTICE SERIES, Legal Forms — Sole Proprietorships §56:14 (2018)

  • Samuel M. Silver, Hero or Villain: The New Jersey Consumer Fraud Act, 42 SETON HALL LEGIS. J. 235 (2018) Article

  • Joseph A. Romano, No “Dead Giveaways”: Finding a Viable Model of Ante-Mortem Probate for New Jersey, 48 Seton Hall L. Rev. 1683 (2018)

  • Jeremy D. Morley, INTERNATIONAL FAMILY LAW PRACTICE, International Child Custody §7:22 (2017)

  • Edwin F. Chociey, Jr., Jonathan P. Vuotto & Edward A. Zunz, 40 NEW JERSEY PRACTICE SERIES, Appellate Practice and Procedure — Appeals from Municipal Court Determinations §24:1 (2017)

  • Jacob Arthur Bradley, Antemortem Probate is a Bad Idea: Why Antemortem Probate Will Not Work and Should Not Work, 85 Miss. L. J. 1431 (2017)

  • Laura C. Tharney & Samuel M. Silver, Legislation and Law Revision Commissions: One Option for the Management and Maintenance of Ever-Increasing Bodies of Statutory Law, 41 SETON HALL LEGIS. J. 329 (2017) Article

  • Ben Nipper, Legislating Death: A Review and Proposed Refinement of the Uniform Determination of Death Act, 17 Houston J. Health L. & Pol’y 429 (2017)

  • Laura C. Tharney, Jayne J. Johnson, Vito J. Petitti, & Susan G. Thatch, Does the Uniform Fit?: The New Jersey Law Revision Commission's Review of the Acts of the Uniform Law Commission, 41 SETON HALL LEGIS. J. 45, 47-48 (2017) Article

  • Susan Reach Winters & Thomas D. Baldwin, 10 New Jersey Practice Series, Family Law and Practice — Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA) §22:31 (2016; 2019; 2020)

  • Bea Kandell & Christopher McGann, How Deep is the Black Hole, and How Do We Dig Our Clients Out?, NEW JERSEY FAMILY LAWYER, Vol. 36, No. 5 – April 2016

  • Edward M. Callahan, Jr., 1 FIFTY ST. CONSTR. LIEN & BOND L., New Jersey Construction Lien Law § 31.02 (2016)

  • John M. Cannel & Laura C. Tharney, Children in Need Of Services: Toward A More Coherent Approach to Protecting New Jersey's Children and Families, 40 SETON HALL LEGIS. J. 1 (2016) Article

  • Susan G. Thatch, Ante-Mortem Probate in New Jersey - An Idea Resurrected?, 39 SETON HALL LEGIS. J. 332 (2015) Article

  • Vito J. Petitti, Assuming the Risk After Hubner: New Jersey Supreme Court Opinion Spurs Revision of the Equestrian Activities Liability Act, 39 SETON HALL LEGIS. J. 59 (2015) Article

  • Laura C. Tharney & Jayne J. Johnson, All Hands on Deck: New Jersey Law Revision Commission Recommends Modified Uniform Laws to Safeguard the Public and Address Disasters and Their Aftermath, 38 SETON HALL LEGIS. J. 339 (2014) Article

  • Marna L. Brown, State of New Jersey Law Revision Commission: Final Report Relating to the Uniform Interstate Depositions and Discovery Act, 37 SETON HALL LEGIS. J. 241 (2013) Article

  • Sharon Rivenson Mark & Mary Wanderpolo, 45 New Jersey Practice Series, Elder Law—Guardianships and Conservatorships §§22:28, 32:1 (2014)

  • Elga A. Goodman, Kristina K. Pappa & Brent A. Olson, 50 New Jersey Practice Series, Business Law Deskbook §15:1 (2014; 2019; 2020)

  • Henry C. Walentowicz & Matthew S Slowinski, 13 New Jersey Practice Series, Real Estate Law and Practice §14:4 (2014)

  • Blake Sherer, The Maturation of International Child Abduction Law: From the Hague Convention to the Uniform Child Abduction Prevention Act, 26 J. Am. Acad. Matrimonial Law 137 (2013)

  • Clark E. Alpert, Guide To NJ Contract Law § 4.1.2 (Clark E. Alpert et al. eds., 3rd ed. 2013)

  • Keith P. Ronan, Navigating the Goat Paths: Compulsive Hoarding, or Collyer Brothers Syndrome, and the Legal Reality of Clutter, 64 RUTGERS L. REV. 235 (2011)

  • Andrew A. Schwartz, Consumer Contract Exchanges and the Problem of Adhesion, 28 YALE J. ON REG. 313 (2011)

  • Thomas J. Walsh, Advancing the Interests of South Africa’s Children: A Look at the Best Interests of Children under South Africa’s Children’s Act, 19 MICH. ST. J. INT’L L. 201 (2011)

  • Gary N. Skoloff, Laurence J. Cutler & Bari L. Weinberger, New Jersey Family Law Practice § 12.2C (14th ed. 2010)

  • Regina M. Spielberg, The Powerful Power of Attorney, 265-AUG N.J. LAW. 41 (2010)

  • Allen A. Etish, Is History About to Repeat Itself? 261-DEC N.J. LAW. 5 (2009)

  • Shmuel I. Becher, Asymmetric Information in Consumer Contracts: The Challenge that is yet to be Met, 45 AM. BUS. L.J. 723 (2008)

  • Ronald L. Carlson, Distorting Due Process for Noble Purposes: The Emasculation of America’s Material Witness Laws, 42 GA. L. REV. 941 (2008)

  • Edith R. Warkentine, Beyond Unconscionability: The Case for Using “Knowing Assent” as the Basis for Analyzing Unbargained-for Terms in Standard form Contracts, 31 SEATTLE U. L. REV. 469 (2008)

  • Steven J. Eisenstein & Kevin J. O’Connor, Enforceability of Oral Ageements and Partial Writings for the Sale of Land under the Revised Statute of Frauds, 250-FEB N.J. LAW. 37 (2008)

  • Joseph M. Perillo, Neutral Standardizing of Contracts, 28 PACE L. REV. 179 (2008)

  • Darryl K. Brown, Democracy and Decriminalization, 86 TEX. L. REV. 223 (2007)

  • Joseph A. Colquitt, Using Jury Questionnaires; (Ab)using Jurors, 40 CONN. L. REV. 1 (2007)

  • Russell Korobkin, Bounded Rationality, Standard Form Contracts, and Unconscionability, 70 U. CHI. L. REV. 1203 (2003)

  • James R. Maxeiner, Standard-Terms Contracting in the Global Electronic Age: European Alternatives, 28 YALE J. INT’L L. 109 (2003)

  • Symposium, The Uniform Athlete Agents Act, 13 Seton Hall J. Sports L. 345 (2003).

  • David A. Szwak, Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act [U.C.I.T.A.]: The Consumer’s Perspective, 63 LA. L. REV. 27 (2002)

  • Russell Korobkin, Empirical Scholarship in Contract Law: Possibilities and Pitfalls, 2002 U. ILL. L. REV. 1033 (2002)

  • Adam F. Scales, Against Settlement Factoring? The Market in Tort Claims has Arrived, 2002 WIS. L. REV. 859 (2002)

  • Margaret L. Moses, The Jury-Trial Right in the UCC: On a Slippery Slope, 54 SMU L. REV. 561 (2001)

  • Winning Websites, 207-FEB N.J. LAW 55 (2001)

  • William H. Manz, Internet Web Sites Offer Access to Less Expensive Case Law and Materials not Offered Commercially, 72-DEC N.Y. ST. B.J. 26 (2000)

  • Clemens Pauly, The Concept of Fundamental Breach as an International Principle to Create Uniformity of Commercial Law, 19 J.L. & COM. 221 (2000)

  • R. J. Robertson, Jr., The Illinois Electronic Commerce Security Act: A Response to Martin Behn, 24 S. ILL. U. L.J. 473 (2000)

  • John J.A. Burke, Contract as Commodity: A Nonfiction Approach, 24 SETON HALL LEGIS. J. 285 (2000)

  • Symposium, Understanding the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act and the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act: Mass Market Transactions in the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act, 38 Duq. L. Rev. 371 (2000).

  • R. David Whitaker, Rules Under the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act for an Electronic Equivalent to a Negotiable Promissory Note, 55 Bus. Law. 437 (1999)

  • Larry T. Garvin, The Changed (and Changing?) Uniform Commercial Code, 26 FLA. ST. U. L. REV. 285 (1999)

  • Richard F. Dole, Jr., The Essence of a Letter of Credit Under Revised U.C.C. Article 5: Permissible and Impermissible Non Documentary Conditions Affecting Honor, 35 HOUS. L. REV. 1079 (1998)

  • Fred H. Miller, Realism Not Idealism in Uniform Laws—Observations from the Revision of the UCC, 39 S. TEX. L. REV. 707 (1998)

  • Margaret L. Moses, The Uniform Commercial Code Meets the Seventh Amendment: The Demise of Jury Trials under Article 5?, 72 IND. L.J. 681 (1997)

  • Albert J. Rosenthal, Uniform State Laws: A Discussion Focused on Revision of the Uniform Commercial Code Moderator, 22 OKLA. CITY U. L. REV. 257 (1997)

  • Nancy S. Marder, Deliberations and Disclosures: A Study of Post-Verdict Interviews of Jurors, 82 IOWA L. REV. 465 (1997)

  • Symposium, Uniform State Laws: A Discussion Focused on Revision of the Uniform Commercial Code Moderator, 22 Okla. City U. L. Rev. 257 (1997)

  • John J.A. Burke, New Jersey’s New Material Witness Statute: Balancing the Rights of Prosecutors, Defendants, and Material Witnesses in Criminal Cases, 19 SETON HALL LEGIS. J. 475 (1995)

  • Fred H. Miller & Robert T. Luttrell, Local Comments to Uniform Laws: A Winning Combination, 48 CONSUMER FIN. L.Q. REP. 60 (1994)

  • Shirley S. Abrahmson & Robert L. Hughes, Shall we Dance? Steps for Legislators and Judges in Statutory Interpretation, 75 MINN. L. REV. 1045 (1991)

  • John J.A. Burke & John M. Cannel, Leases of Personal Property: A Project for Consumer Protection, 28 HARV. J. ON LEGIS. 115 (1991)

  • Lawrence F. Flick, II, Leases of Personal Property, 45 BUS. LAW. 2331 (1990)

In addition to the items referenced above, the Commission was pleased to be mentioned in articles by: Charles Toutant in the New Jersey Law Journal entitled Commission Calls for Indemnification of County Employees Who Help State Fight Crime (December 17, 2021); Charles Toutant in the New Jersey Law Journal entitled Panel Upholds Threat of Imprisonment for Debtors’ Discovery Violations (October 9, 2019); and Adam J. Sklar and Gary M. Albrecht, in the New Jersey Lawyer, Construction Liens Arising From Tenant Work - Commercial Landlord Concerns and Strategies, vol. 319 at p. 58 (2019).

 The work of the Commission was also mentioned nationally, in an article concerning unusual divorce laws in effect in various states by Daniel Thomas Mollenkamp, “Most Surprising Divorce Laws by State” on Investopedia (September 22, 2021) as well as an article concerning archaic laws by Michael Waters “Hundreds of wacky, obsolete laws still exist. Why don’t more states remove them?” in The Highlight, by Vox (November 18, 2019).


The following presentations were created by Commission Staff to provide information about the Commission and its work:

  • New Jersey Law Revision Commission’s OLS CLE Presentation - Recent Recommendations Rundown (10/13/23) (PDF)

  • New Jersey Law Revision Commission’s OLS CLE Presentation - The Only Constant is Change: The Work of the New Jersey Law Revision Commission. (06/11/21) (PDF)

  • An Overview of the  History & Work of the  New Jersey Law  Revision Commission. (09/19/19) (PDF)

  • Executive Briefing: The New Jersey Law Revision Commission’s Year in Review (06/06/14) - presentations below describe the:

    • (1) Commission’s ongoing work regarding the Notaries Public Act of 1979, N.J.S. 52:10, et seq. (PDF)

    • (2) Commission’s ongoing work on the Prevention of Domestic Violence Act (PDF)

    • (3) Review and analysis undertaken by the Commission regarding potential projects that led, ultimately, to Commission determinations that work in those areas was not appropriate (PDF)

    • (4) Commission’s work in the area of Title 2C – Sexual Offenses (PDF)

    • (5) Commission’s work on a recently released New Jersey Emergency Volunteer Health Practitioners Act (PDF)

  • Legislation and Law Revision in New Jersey (08/08/13) (references to source material for Parts 1 - 3 are found in the Summary document)

    • Part 1 (PDF)

    • Part 2 (PDF)

    • Part 3 (PDF)

    • Summary document with source references (PDF)

  • NJLRC Process and Projects CLE presentation (02/18/13) (PDF)

  • New Jersey Adult Guardianship and Protective Proceedings Jurisdiction Act CLE presentation (02/13) (PDF)

  • NJLRC DMSA conference presentation (07/12) (PDF)

  • NJLRC IID presentation (03/11) (PDF)