Comprehensive Drug Reform Act - Joint Motions to Vacate Parole Ineligibility - 09/21/2023 Current Projects, Tentative ReportsLaura TharneyMarch 6, 2023
New Jersey Statute of Frauds - Mandatory Attorney Review Provision in N.J.S. 25:1-5(h) - 07/20/2023 Current Projects, Tentative ReportsLaura TharneyFebruary 6, 2023
Applicability of the Driving While Intoxicated Statute, N.J.S. 39:4-50, to bicyclists Current ProjectsLaura TharneyNovember 7, 2022bicyclists, DWI
Rescue Doctrine and Property - 12/15/2022 Final Reports, RecommendationsLaura TharneySeptember 6, 2022Rescue
Title 9-Parentage - 04/2010 Final Reports, RecommendationsLaura TharneyAugust 3, 2022Title 9, parentage
Interpretation of the Vote By Mail Law in N.J.S. 19:63-26 Tentative Reports, Current ProjectsLaura TharneyJuly 10, 2022Mail, Ballots
Interpretation of the Household/Incest Exception to Inclusion in Sex Offender Central Registry Current ProjectsLaura TharneyJuly 10, 2022Exception to Publication in Central Sex Offender Registry
“Misrepresentation of a Material Fact” in the New Jersey Gross Income Tax Act - 03/16/2023 Final Reports, RecommendationsLaura TharneyJuly 10, 2022Tax, Income Tax, definition of Misrepresentation
Termination of Permanent Alimony Based on Remarriage or Cohabitation Concluded ProjectsLaura TharneyApril 11, 2022Alimony
Audit Adjustments Involving Returns from Closed Years Current ProjectsLaura TharneyMarch 7, 2022Audit