New Jersey Law Revision Commission


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Commission Meeting


The New Jersey Law Revision Commission will meet on Thursday, September 15, 2022, at 4:30 p.m. in the Commission offices on the 7th Floor, 153 Halsey Street, Newark, New Jersey. 

1.    1.      “Personal Conveyance” in – N.J.S. 39:4-92.4 – Consideration of a Draft Final Report recommending modification of N.J.S. 39:4-92.4 to clarify the definition of the term “pedestrian” and to define the term “personal conveyance” to eliminate potential ambiguity.  Report

2.      Re-Enrollment in PERS – Consideration of Revised Draft Final Report recommending modification to N.J.S. 43:15A-57.2b.(2) to clarify the scope of the “teaching role” exception to re-enrollment in the Public Employees’ Retirement System (PERS).  Report

3.      Self-Representation - Consideration of a Draft Tentative Report proposing modification of N.J.S. 30:4-27.29, N.J.S. 30:4C-15.4, and similar statutes to clarify a litigant’s ability to represent themselves in involuntary commitment proceedings and termination of parental rights proceedings, (N.J.S. 30:4-27.29 and N.J.S. 30:4C-15.4) and as discussed in the Matter of Civil Commitment of D.Y., 218 N.J. 359 (2014) and N.J. Div. of Child Prot. & Perm. v. R.L.M., 236 N.J. 123 (2018).  Report

4.      Intentional Wrong – Consideration of Draft Tentative Report proposing modifications to N.J.S. 34:15-8 to clarify the scope of the intentional wrong exception to the exclusive remedy provision in the Worker’s Compensation Act, consistent with its legislative history and the interpretation of the statutory language by New Jersey courts.  Report

5.      Rescue Doctrine and Property - Consideration of a Memorandum examining the common law rescue doctrine and the current state of the law concerning the extension of this doctrine to property as discussed in Samolyk v. Berthe, 251 N.J. 73 (2022) Memo

6.      Recommendations for Project Conclusion – Consideration of a Memorandum recommending the conclusion of Commission work on identified projects. Memo

Earlier Event: July 21
Commission Meeting
Later Event: October 20
Commission Meeting